Product Overview

LendingWise- Unboxing a Live Account

Loan Origination Software Overview

Lender/Investor Marketplace

Setting up your account

Workflow Automation

Dashboard Overview

Using LendingWise as a Broker & Loan Officer

Users and Contacts In LendingWise

Loan Programs and Internal Loan Programs (aka Investor Overlays) In LendingWise

Custom Loan Guidelines In LendingWise

Form Fields and Customizing Applications In LendingWise

Primary File Status and Pipeline Tabs In LendingWise

Setting User Permissions Based On Primary File Status In LendingWise

Creating Workflows In LendingWise

Customizing Required Documents In LendingWise

Setting Up Webforms on a website

Setting Up & Customizing Quick & Full App Webforms

White Label Setup

Sending E sign Docs

Sending a Loan to Lenders or Investors

Customizing Form Fields for apps and entire system

Who gets lead notifications for quick app and full app

Sending Emails Messages and Notes In

How do I use API lead posting with webhooks

Creating custom reports & exporting data

How do I edit the default conditions text box in the Full Loan Application PDF version

Asking for required docs in the quick app or full app web form

How to receive document upload notifications

Sharing leads for loan officers or brokers

Customizing & Sending E mail templates

How do I Delete loan files or mass update, re assign, change status

Geraci Lightening Docs Integration

Checking E mail Logs, unsubscribes, bounce list

Copy a loan file or create loan from borrower profile

Auto-Generate Docs

Email Wizard Tool

Who Gets New Lead Notifications In

Pitbull Adonis Lockett LNH Capital

Toby Potter from Global Integrity Finance

Ben Wilkie director of operations RQC

Bruce lawyner Chief Operating Officer and Fred Asini CEO of Alpha Tech lending

Lou Forino CEO from Gauntlet Funding